Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My dainty little girl . . .

Phoebe is such a sweet little thing, she really is. This afternoon I had to take her back to the hospital for a follow up blood test. She had been such an angel all afternoon. She slept through my 2 week check up and was still sleeping when we got to the hospital. I took her out of her carseat and held her as I walked to the lab. When we got there we had to wait a few minutes. When the lady was finally ready for us she had me expose one of her feet and hold her up on my shoulder. She pricked her heel so that she could get the blood and she had to put it on this special sheet. Of course Phoebe, who was still sleeping, starts to cry the minute she gets poked. I keep holding her and pray that the lady gets her sample quick. As she is getting what she needs my sweet, dainty little girl filled her pants with so much gusto it would put any man to shame. I mean, it was loud and boy did it smell. I felt so embarrased because this lady had her face right near her behind as she was getting the blood sample. I apologized for my daughter and said that she was just paying her back for pricking her foot. After the lady was done my sweet little girl was still sleeping. As I walked out a lady in the waiting room was laughing because she heard Phoebe in all of her glory and she thought it was hilarious. It just isn't right for such noises to come out of such a small and dainty thing.