Wednesday, April 30, 2008

La, La, La . . .

I think this video is HILARIOUS!! I don't know who taught Dallas to sing this way but it cracks me up!

B is for Bumbo . . .

It was time to get the Bumbo seat out for Miss Phoebe. She is still a little young but we decided to put her in it because she has really good head control. She didn't seem to like it much but I imagine with time she will really like to sit up like a big girl.

Dallas loved having the Bumbo seat out to play with. I am surprised that he can still fit in it. I figured his legs would be too big but I guess he isn't as big as I thought he was.
Dallas in the Bumbo seat at 3 months.

Dallas today, almost 2 years later. I think he has grown a bit!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Angel Joy . . .

When my mom was pregnant her and a dear friend of hers, Joy, prayed that I would be a girl. Boys ran on my fathers side of the family and everyone was convinced that I would be a boy. Well, to everyones surprise I was born and became the first and only girl in four generations. My mom named me after her dear friend that had sent up so many prayers for me. Somewhere along the line I got the nickname Angel Joy. I am not sure if it was my mom or Joy that came up with it but that was what I was called at times.

When I got pregnant again last May I know that my mom and I were both praying that I was going to have a little girl. I would have been pleased to have a boy or a girl but a big part of me had always wanted to have a girl. I had completely convinced myself that I was having a boy. I just knew it and when I found out that I was having a girl I just couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. Phoebe has been a part of my life for 2 months and I am still in awe that she is here. I just can't get over it that I have a little girl. She just melts my heart every single day. She is so very sweet and words just can't describe how awesome it is to have her in our family. I feel truly blessed to have my own little Angel Joy.

Jump, Jump . . .

There is a place in town called Jump Extreme and on Wednesday they have open jump for kids five and under. We have been trying to go as much as we can because Dallas loves it. I used to take him when I was pregnant and now that I have Phoebe Daddy has to come to play with Dallas. He has so much fun playing with Daddy and running around like crazy. I love to see him so happy. It is really hard to get good pictures when he is running around 1,000 miles an hour, but here are a few. Plus 2 videos at the end.Phoebe sleeping in my sling

Too Cool For Words . . .

The pictures say it all.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Phoebe's 2 Month Check Up . . .

Can you believe that Phoebe turned 2 months old yesterday? I can't either. These past 2 months have just flown by. We had to take her to the doctor this morning for her check up. She seems to be doing just wonderful! She weighs 9lbs2oz (10%) and is 22.5 inches (50%). The doctor was very pleased with her weight gain. She has almost gained 3 lbs from when she was born. She is on track with everything developmentally. She is sleeping well at night. Most nights she has one long stretch of sleep that is usually 5-6 hours long. I am in heaven because Dallas never slept like that. She isn't sleeping so well during the day though. She is a huge cat napper and will only sleep for about thirty minutes. I am hoping that is something that will change with time. She nurses every 2 hours during the day so I think that is why she cat naps. But if it means I get some decent sleep during the night I am okay with it. The worst part about the appt was that she got 5 shots and 1 oral vaccine. It was horrible to watch. She has such tiny legs and the nurse felt horrible sticking her so many times.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sweetness . . .

Here is a little Phoebe to brighten your day! She is smiling and cooing like crazy. I got her smiling on the video. It is super cute!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Free Mustard . . .

A friend of mine has recently told me that Walmart will price match other stores ads. She says that she has been saving a bit of money on her bill and planning her meals around what is on sale at various stores and then buying it at Walmart with her other groceries. It sounded like a great plan. I already cut coupons so I figured this wouldn't be too far out of my leauge. I got the weekly ads to the other major stores in town and I poured over them scowering for my good deals. I made a list of what I was buying, how much it cost and what store it was from. I planned my meals and cut my coupons and headed to the store. I was kind of nervous about how I would keep my price match items separate in the basket so I could give them to the cashier so she could change the prices. I had an ingenious idea to put one of the hand held baskets inside my cart so I could place all those great sale items in it. So there I am at the store, Phoebe is in her sling, I have my i-pod on so I can jam to some tunes and I am armed with an empty cart and 2 lists. I head out on my adventure carefully checking off items as I go. You should have seen me, I was the probably the craziest looking shopper because I was jamming along to the music, mouthing the words no less with a look of utter confusion on my face. I am constantly rechecking my list before I leave a section of the store so I don't have to backtrack for a forgotton item. I think I had looked at my list so many times while I was getting ready that I had it memorized. I successfully get all my items and head to the checkout for the moment of truth. I tell the cashier that I had some price match items and she didn't seem to happy. Of course this is more work for her but alas she put a smile on her face and started ringing things up. As she rang up each item I told her what the new price was and she didn't even ask to look at the other stores ad. Although, I had it in my bag with each item I was buying circled so I would be able to show her on a moments notice that in fact Goldfish Crackers are on sale for $.50 at Krogers. Well in the end I saved a bit of money and I came home with a smile on my face. I think the thing I was happy about the most was that I got a bottle of Mustard for $.50 and I had a $.50 coupon so it was free. Can you believe that? Free Mustard, I didn't even need it but wasn't going to pass up on something for free.

Trains . . .

We took a trip to a local garden to see some model trains. We had some fun toddler tantrum throwing when we got to the park. Dallas started screaming and crying when we got out of the car and for the life of us we couldn't figure out what his issue was. It was super embarrassing because he carried on for about 10-15 minutes. We paid to go into the park and tried to coral the screaming kid toward the area where the trains were because the trains were only going to be displayed until 4 and it was already 3:30. You can imagine how fun it was to carry him, thankfully that was daddy's job. We get to the area where the trains are and Dallas is still throwing a fit. After a few minutes of seeing the trains he calmed down and started to enjoy them. We had heard there were trains in another area too so we decided to go see them. Well, of course that started another fit because Dallas didn't want to leave the trains. We tried to explain we were going to see some other trains but he didn't get it. So we go see the other ones and then we walk back through the gardens to head home. The gardens were just beautiful but I think daddy and I were just exhausted from dealing with Dallas that we didn't really enjoy it as much as we would have liked. I guess that is how things go when you have a toddler with you. Some days are going to be easy breezy and other days you want to jump off a bridge.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fun at Oma & Opa's . . .

We went to see Oma and Opa and it was so much fun. Dallas hadn't seen Opa since Easter and he had been asking about him so I decided to take him over to their house for a visit. I had planned to leave to go over there after his nap. I didn't tell him we were going until after he was already awake. When he gets up from his nap it usually takes him awhile to get out of his crib. It is because he doesn't want to give up his paci. When he woke up yesterday I went in there and told him we were going bye bye. Then I said, "Do you know where we are going?" and he said, "Oma's" and I said, "That's right." He about threw me his paci and he couldn't get out of his crib fast enough. As I was trying to get Phoebe ready he was at the door asking me over and over if I was ready. Then when we were driving over there, it is about 45 minutes, I kept telling him we were going to see Oma and Opa and each time I said that he would say, "and Freckles too" Freckles is their dog and he just loves him so much. So we pull into the driveway and Dallas sees Freckles. I haven't stopped the car and he is in the back of the car pulling at his carseat straps and saying, "Help Me!! I'm stuck" over and over. I get him out of the car as Opa comes out of the house and he is thrilled to see him! We stayed over for a few hours and I think Dallas wore both Oma and Opa out. They were both pulling him in the wagon, giving him rides in the wheel barrow and just chasing him all over the place. Their property is really big and it has a big hill to it so they got a work out. Here are some pics that Oma took while we were there.

Riding in the wagon

Riding in the wheel barrow, I remember doing this with my dad as a kid and it is so much fun!

Me and Phoebe, Isn't she the cutest?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Smiles . . .

Phoebe is smiling and it is so very precious! It is hard to catch her on camera but I got a few today. Right now she likes to coo and smile at me when I put her on my boppy pillow right before I nurse. I think she is just so happy that she is about to get some yummy stuff that she can't hold it in. I don't think that their is anything sweeter than the first smiles.

Arts and Crafts . . .

Dallas got to do arts and crafts with his bestest friend Gracie yesterday. My friend Merrie had us all over at her house and she let the kids finger paint. I have to say she is braver than I because it is alot of mess for such a short amount of time painting. I think that Dallas liked it alright but Gracie loved it. I didn't get any pictures of her when she was done but she was covered in paint. It was so cute. Like usual, Dallas was a bit more reserved as he was doing it but he really loves to color so it was a good time.

It has been so amazing to watch these two kids grow in their friendship. At first, Dallas didn't want much to do with Gracie. He has always been so cautious and reserved around other kids. I think that she loved him from day one, but that is how sweet she is. She has always liked to try and give him hugs and she used to love to touch his hair. He patiently let her do it and never pushed her away when I could tell he wanted to. It has been about a year since they have been playing together and I was a little worried that he would never come around but he has. Now he just loves to go and play with Gracie. When we drive by her neighborhood he asks about her and when I say we are going somewhere he always asks if we are going to see her. They have even given each other a few kisses. It makes me sad because I know we won't live in TX forever and he won't get to remember his first dear friend.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Miss Priss . . .

That is what I call Phoebe, Miss Priss. It seems to be the name that fits her best. I don't know how it is possible for a 6 week old baby to be prissy, but she is. Doesn't she just look like Miss Priss in that first picture? She really likes things a certain way and she seems to be bothered by little things, especially Dallas. I know one day she will love him to bits but right now she gets quite annoyed if he touches or kisses her and she doesn't want it. Here are a few new pics of my pretty, pretty princess.

Being her cute self.
Tolerating her brother.