Sunday, May 25, 2008

Some new pics . . .

Brother and sister love! Dallas asked me to put Phoebe next to him so they could rock. Don't mind his crazy hair, it was morning and I hadn't combed it yet.

Me and my sweet, sweet boy

She really is a daddy's girl. She lights up like crazy when he is around. She doesn't realize the power she has having him wrapped around her finger but I imagine it won't take her long to figure it out.

She really is the cutest!

Sweet Surprise . . .

Big D came home with a sweet surprise for me on Friday afternoon. He brought home some beautiful flowers and a delicious cake. My favorite thing is cake and the flowers were an awesome bonus. I loved that it was a surprise for no reason at all. He just said he wanted to show me how much he loves me. So sweet!

Nursing . . .

Dallas has a baby doll that he plays with quite a bit. He loves to get diapers for it and have me put them on. He puts it to sleep in Phoebe's bed and really cares for it. It is pretty sweet. Well, the other day he got into the rocking chair and got my nursing pillow and told me his baby was crying. I asked him if his baby was hungry and he said it was. I said, well feed the baby and he put his baby up to his belly button and started to nurse it. Then said, "Baby's hungry, I feed the baby, yummy" I about died!! I thought it was so cute and funny. Today he did the same thing but this time he said his baby was thirsty before he started to feed it.

He has never been that interested in me when I am nursing Phoebe but one day he did come up to me while I was doing it and pointed to my breast and said it was my tummy. I didn't really correct him because I didn't want to have him saying boobie or something else all the time so I think that is why he was feeding the baby from his belly button. It must be in the genes because I nursed my babies when I was a kid. I even did it in public places. A waiter asked my mom what I was doing once and she had to explain that I was nursing my baby.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Gives me a heart attack . . .

Dallas rides his bke down the hill of our driveway and everytime he does it about gives me a heart attack. He gets going pretty fast and when he gets to the bottom he turns right to go on the sidewalk. Well, I am just waiting for the day that he is going to fast and he tips over on his bike. I know it is going to happen eventually. No matter how much I tell him to be careful and slow down he still does it. I guess boys will be boys and he is no exception.

Happy 3 Months Phoebe Joy . . .

It is so hard to believe but our sweet little Phoebe Joy is 3 months old today. It seems like just yesterday she came into our lives but alas, time is going by fast. She is growing so fast. She loves to smile at her daddy, have her hands in her mouth and pitch a fit!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Some Videos . . .

Dallas and Phoebe playing on his bed.

Dallas playing with Phoebe in her exersaucer

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A small update . . .

The past few days have been pretty busy. I keep thinking that things are going to slow down but I don't know who I am kidding. I think that things are always going to be busy now that I have two kids. The days just fly by. I have always been worried that I wasn't going to remember these times with Dallas and Phoebe and today I did something about it. We actually decided to break down and buy a video camera. I say it was my way of stimulating the economy and I couldn't be more excited to start using. It will come in handy for my trip to WA in two weeks!!

Phoebe has been a bit of a challenge this last week or two (or more but who is counting!). She is very tempermental and she has a few screaming fits through out the day. I don't know what it is half the time that sets her off. I think she gets overtired and then things go down hill from there. She is just quite the princess that doesn't like the wind, the sun in her eyes, loud noises, being set down, her brother at times and she really doesn't like to be ignored. The list just goes on and on. Thankfully she is so darn cute or I don't think she would survive, lol! She went in her exersaucer yesterday for the first time and seemed to like it. She is still a bit too small for it so I had to prop her up with blankets in the back. I can't wait until she is a bit bigger and she can use it more often. Dallas really liked to try and get in it but that is another story.

Today we went and got Dallas' hair cut. For some reason this is always hard for me to do. I have a very sentimental attachment to his hair. It sounds crazy but I have always hated to see it get cut. But with the hot weather coming we knew it was time to cut a bit off because it is just too hot. He looks a bit like Dennis the Menance because he has a horrible cowlick that can't seem to be tamed. But he is so cute I think he would look good with any style.

I also was able to catch a rare moment with Gracie and Dallas yesterday. They are such good pals but it is not very often that Dallas will sit next to her. Well, she was in our rocking chair yesterday and he climbed up next to her and they sat for a second. Thank goodness for my dear friend Merrie and our playdates. I don't think either of us would survive without them.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Big Boy Step . . .

We finally decided it was time to turn Dallas' crib into a daybed. He started to climb in and out of it and I knew it was going to be safer if he didn't have the rails on it anymore. I was scared to make this step because it meant that my little boy was growing up. He slept in it okay last night. We laid him down and Daddy read him a story in bed. Then we told him it was time to go night-night and we left the room and shut his door. We don't close it all the way, there is still a small crack. So a few minutes go by and we hear the door close. Daddy goes in to see what is going on and Dallas had got himself a toy and was playing in his bed. Daddy took the toy away and told him it was time for bed. A few minutes later we hear the door close again and Daddy goes in again to say it was time for bed. Then it was quiet for a long time. I kept going to the crack in the door to check and he was laying down. After about 25 minutes I was sure he was asleep. I was nursing Phoebe in my chair and guess who comes walking down the hall. He looks at me and says, "HI!" I tell him to go back to bed because it is bedtime. He does and when I checked on him a little later he was asleep. When Daddy checked on him before he went to bed Dallas was on the floor. I don't know if he fell or got there on his own but Daddy picked him and put him back to bed. I checked on him through out the night as I was up with Phoebe and he was always in bed. AT 6:15, an hour before normal wake up time, he came into my room as happy as can be. I am not sure how naptime is going to go because we weren't home for nap today. We shall see tomorrow.

A Fun Day . . .

We had such a fun day yesterday. Daddy had heard of this fly in that was going on in a town about 40 minutes from us. We got up and got on the road by 8:00, which is really early for us. Of course Miss Priss screamed in the car the whole way. We got to this big neighborhood that was hosting this fly in. They have a small private runway with houses lined up and in the back of everyone's house is a small hanger for their plane. It was so weird to see such a thing. Anyways, there were alot of planes already there in a field that you could walk through and there were others that were taking off and landing. Dallas just loved seeing the planes and we were so close to them. There were also two Care Flight Helicopters that he got to see and take off. He also got to go inside of one of them. But I think the biggest hit of the whole day was the fire truck. He was able to go inside and sit in the drivers seat. It was so awesome to see him so happy.

Standing by the only jet that was there. We got here right after it landed and it was really loud as it taxied off the runway.
Watching the helicopter land
Inside the Helicopter Inside the Firetruck!

The runway with houses along the edge. Those big garages are hangers for planes