Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Birthday Celebration . . .

For Dallas' birthday this year we decided not to have a party but a day of celebration with our family. We headed out early in the morning and went to the train park in Scottsdale. Dallas was really excited he was turning 4 and we told everyone along the way that it was his special day.

The train we rode was a real steam engine that let off steam just like Thomas. Dallas thought it was so cool.

Phoebe liked the train too and really wanted to know why it wasn't her birthday today too.

Who's that??

The train park had an awesome playground that the kids loved to play on.

Dallas carried this box around that was from my grandma

His favorite present, a card!

An Interview . . .

A small interview with Dallas who is 4 years old..

What do you want to be when you grow up? A basketball player

What makes you really happy? A racecar

What makes you really sad? You (meaning me) make me really sad (I guess I don't get the mama of the year award)

Where would you like to go on an adventure? To Grammy's house

Who is your best friend? Peyton

Who do you love alot? You (meaning me! Yay!)

What is your favorite color? Green and Blue

What is your favorite movie? Cars

What is your favorite toy? Woody

Which dog do you like better? Brinkley

Where do we live? In Phoenix

Who is in your family? you (meaning me), daddy, Phoebe

I Run . . .

I Run . . .

for the love of it.
for sanity.
to keep up with my kids.
for my health.
to eat what I want.
to find myself.
to be happy.
to stay young.
for the challenge.
because I can.
to be outdoors.
to sweat.
for inspiration.
for dark chocolate.
to feel the wind on my face.
for Starbucks.
to be a role model.
to have time with the Lord.
to appreciate life.
to see how far I can go.

I run....for MYSELF!

Friday, January 29, 2010

My dear sweet 4 year old boy . . .

My Dallas,

It seems like just yesterday you were placed in my arms for the very first time. I remember that moment because it is forever etched in my heart. I wanted you for so long and when you finally arrived I couldn't even believe how wonderful it felt and how lucky I was to become your Mama.

Now you have been a part of my life for 4 years and I can't understand where the time has gone. At times I have a hard time remembering my life without you in it. I feel like you are part of my very heart and it makes me feel so blessed. You have filled my life with more joy than you will ever know. I am so thankful you are my son. You have taught me how to be a kinder person and you make me want to strive to be the best Mama I can be. You deserve so much and more and I only hope I can be everything you need.

In the last year you have changed so much. I love to see you grow and change but a small part of me has a hard time seeing you grow up before my eyes. The time goes by so fast and I wish I could hold onto every moment and never let it go. But in the same moment I can't wait to see what each new day will bring. I can't wait to see the boy you are to become.

This year has brought on many new adventures and you have handled each one with ease. We moved to a new home, away from what you were used to and you didn't even bat an eye. You started preschool and I was so worried that you would be scared and lonely but you didn't shed one tear. I of course, cried enough for the both of us.

You are such a kind hearted boy with a gentle spirit. I hope you never lose this as you grow older. You are so loving and sweet to everyone in our family. You always give hugs and kisses and you are such a great big brother.

I am so very proud of you and love you so very much,


A Year of Dallas . . .




My Favorite Dallas Pictures . . .

I'm not going to lie, when I went through all of these pictures I shed a few tears. Well, more than a few but whose counting. It was so hard to find just a few pictures that have been my favorite because to be honest they are all special to me. Dallas is one special boy and to see him grow and change has been such a gift.

My Mother-In-Law took this picture and to this day it is one of my favorites of Dallas and I together. He was about 3 months old and the look in his eyes is so sweet. I am so thankful that Sharon was able to catch this special moment because I truly treasure it.

Dallas was about 15 months old in this picutre, it was right around the time I got pregnant with Phoebe. The swings have always been one of his favorite things to be on.
This right after Dallas turned 3. He has always been so cool!
First birthday was such a bittersweet moment for me. Who am I kidding all birthdays are hard on me. Look how long my hair was, I miss it!
Dallas came out with crazy hair and I have so many pictures of him with his hair doing something funny. This is one of the crazier ones!
This was the first smile I was able to catch on film. Where's that dang tissue because I'm crying again?
Of all my favorite pictures of Dallas, this one has to be in the top 5 for sure. I mean loook at this kid, is he not the cutest?

Such a sweet, sweet face.
Again, here he is in a swing again. I have more pictures of him in a swing, it's funny.
My very first Mother's Day.
Such an angel.
Dallas has always had the most amazing tear drop eyes. I love them so much!

Dallas is such a happy boy. It's funny because he looks so different in these pictures but still so much the same.
There just isn't enough words to say how much I love this kid. He just melts my heart.

My little pumpkin!
There's that crazy hair again!