Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dallas James . . .

I love this boy so very much. I can't even put into words how proud I am that

he is my son. He is such a kind and gentle soul. He is always so cautious of new things and his gentle spirit amazes me. He is doing well at our new house too. He loves his new room and likes to swim in our pool, very cautiously of course! He doesn't want to go under the water or get his face wet. We have been going to story time at the library and I let him check out 10-15 books each week. He loves it and it has really sparked his interest in books all over again. He wants to read and read and can't wait to go and get new books. He is starting a daddy and son soccer program on the 9th and it is five weeks long. I really am excited for him to experience something new and special with just Daddy. I think he is going to love it. I am still waiting on a spot for him for preschool and should know at the end of the week. But if all goes well he will be starting next Tuesday. I am nervous and excited for him. I hope he does well because I really think he needs to meet some new kids. I feel bad because I hinder his artsy side at home because Phoebe wants to do everything with us and even simple things like coloring are difficult with her involved. I love this kid more than he will ever know and am truly blessed to be his mama. God was smiling on me when he handed me Dallas' precious heart.

Phoebe Joy . . .

What can I say about this girl of mine...She is truly my test and challenge. She is talking so much it amazes me. She is far ahead of where Dallas was at the same stage. I think she is trying so hard to be like Dallas that she can't learn stuff fast enough. She is putting together 3 words at a time. She learned the word please and now uses it all the time. I have a no paci rule unless it is bedtime or naptime but she asks me all time, "paci, mama...pleeeease" It is hard to say no to her when she says things so sweetly. She is thriving at our new house and has finally learned to sleep through the night. It only took 17 months, but who is counting. She likes to come up and down the stairs by herself and when we come upstairs she likes to make sure both dogs come with us. If just one dog is there she gets off the stairs to go find him and hollars at him to come. Today Oscar didn't want to come and she was standing over him in his bed saying his name over and over. I had to finally get her and try to explain that he didn't want to come up the stairs. Boy was she mad. She is eating so well and I am so happy. Anything I cook she will usually eat. We go to the doctor for her 18month check up on the 3rd and I am anxious to see if she has hit the 20lb mark. She is so cute and tiny and people are so drawn to her. Even though she challenges me so much, I am thankful everyday that she calls me Mama. I couldn't be more blessed to have such a sweet baby girl.

Neighborhood Park . . .

We live in this amazing neighborhood that has like 1,800 homes in it. There are parks and fields all over and the all the streets have sidewalks. Some mornings, if it is below 85 degrees, we try and walk to the park and play. Dallas rides his bike and I push Phoebe in a stroller. It takes about 6 minutes to get there. The funny thing is I can see the park from the back of our house. It is directly behind us but to get to it we have to walk to one end of the street and back track back to the park. The kids like to swing and play in the sand. I can't wait for the weather to cool down so we can use it all the time.

Some Randoms . . .

Phoebe sleeping in her bed. She looks so sweet!

Dallas and Phoebe always watch one TV show before bed together. They usually sit really close together and drink their milk.

The cutest boy in the world!
You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of the girl!!

Making a mess....I mean making cookies . . .

What is a mama to do when it is sooo hot outside and the kid want to stay busy. Well, we bake cookies. The kids really loved playing with the flour and making a big ol' mess.

Both kids loved using the rolling pin. I think I need to get two small ones for next time.

So serious!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dancing, Dancing . . .

Being that it is usually 110+ degrees outside during the day, my kids usually get pretty antsy. They have loads of energy and no way to burn it. Until I started afternoon dance time. I let Dallas pick songs off my iPod to dance to and we all just have a blast. It is usually the same batch of songs everyday but it keeps them happy. This is our cheap entertainment and it gets them sleepy for bedtime. Which is what I am after, Enjoy!

That's Phoebe . . .

What can I say, the girl has a temper!! I don't know who she gets it from...

Superman . . .

What can I say, all boys want to be superman. I am not sure how he even knew about superman as we have never watched a superman show or read a book about him. It must be instinctual.