Friday, June 27, 2008

An update . . .

Things have been going pretty good for us since we got back from WA. It took some getting used to at first because I was so used to having an extra set of hands to help. We have gotten back into our routine and that feels nice. Most days I try to get us to the park or somewhere outdoors by 9:00am because if not it gets too hot. Living on the sun makes it hard to be outside, lol! If I time it just right we can play at the park while Phoebe sleeps in the sling. Yesterday we were there for 1.5 hours before it got too hot. In the afternoons we usually try and get together and have a play date with my friend Merrie and her daughters, Gracie and Olivia. We try and keep each other sane and I am not sure what I would do without her. I haven't mentioned it yet to Merrie's husband but I am thinking of asking him to move where we move next May when we leave TX. I am sure he wouldn't mind relocating his family. That isn't asking too much, right?

Dallas update: This kid is cracking me up more and more. Yesterday I sneezed and he said, "Bless You Mommy" Of course I have been saying this to him everytime he sneezes but I have never prompted him to say it to me. It was hilarious! He is still working hard at learning the words to some songs. It seems to be his new interest and I will catch him singing to himself ever so softly and just kind of mumbling the words. I don't think he realizes that I can hear him but it sure is cute. He is usually pretty sweet to Phoebe. He gives her random kisses when no one is looking and I think that is so sweet. He still can't say her name well and calls her BeBe Joy. I think is is cute!

Phoebe update: Well, I am sure you saw on my other posts that she is laughing and now rolling both ways. It seems so early for me and I am afraid that my little baby is growing up too fast. As for her size, well she is just a tiny peanut. We had her 4 month checkup this week and she only weighs 10lbs 11oz (less than 5%) and 24.5in (50%). The doctor was a little concerned with the lack of weight gain but I am not worried yet. I am trying to nurse her more but I already feed her on demand so I can't force her to eat. I think that she is just a tiny peanut that burns calories with all her moving around. Her legs and arms are never still. We also are taking her to a pediatric opthamologist for a check on one of her eyes. Overall, she is perfect in my eyes and that is all that matters!
Some pics!
Dallas eating pudding for the first time.
Playing night night with Gracie
Sleeping so sweetly

Rolling . . .

Phoebe can now roll from back to tummy. She figured out tummy to back about a month ago. I am so proud of her! I bet it won't be long before she is rolling all over the place.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Yummy, Yummy Feets . . .

She found her feet!!

For Grammy . . .

Grammy bought Phoebe this dress and she was dying to see her in it.

Could she be any cuter?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Little Bit of Dallas . . .

This kid cracks me up every single day. Yesterday he was putting one of his cars in timeout and telling it to "Stay There" with great authority. His new favorite thing to eat is popsicles. It is amazing what I can get him to do so he can have a "copsickle" at the end of the day. Yesterday he couldn't have one if he didn't eat his dinner and help pick up all of his toys before bed. He was reluctant to eat at first but I kept saying that no popsicle if his food wasn't eaten. Today he told me that 11:50 that he wanted to go to bed for his nap and he went and gathered up all his toys so he could put them to sleep too. I always tell him to put his cars night night to get him to put them away. I was happy to see that he was doing it all by himself without me prompting him. He is also learning to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and it is hilarious!!

Happy 4 Months, Phoebe Joy . . .

Can you believe my sweet baby girl is already 1/3 of the way through her first year?? I can't believe it either!! Time has just flown by. She is doing a lot better on her new medicine, which makes her a lot happier most of the time. She is a mover and roled over for the first time about 3 weeks ago. She has almost gone the other way once and I don't think it will take her long to figure it out. She is always trying to move and get somewhere. She is not happy sitting in one spot at all and I think if she could she would be walking and running like her brother. She is my sweet little angel and I feel so blessed to be her mommy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happiness . . .

I got Phoebe to laugh for the first time tonight! It was so sweet to hear her sweet little chuckle and an awesome thing for Daddy to hear on Father's Day. We are trying to get her on video so stay tuned!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Mountain . . .

This is my mountain, Mt. Rainier. I don't know when I started calling it my mountain but I think it started when I moved away from Washington 7 years ago. To me, this mountain represents everything that I love about Washington, my true home. Everytime I see it now I am in awe of its beauty. When I lived in Washington I saw it all the time and I think I started to take advantage of it's beauty and not even notice it as much. I am sure that many others that see it all the time do the same thing. How could we not notice something this beautiful? I guess I was used to seeing it all the time and it was just part of the scenery. I didn't realize that this type of beauty isn't everywhere and I also didn't think that I would not get to see it on every sunny day because I lived somewhere else. I thought that mountain would always be there for me to see. On a sunny day the mountain was always off in the distance. In the morning the sun rises behind it and turns the mountain into a gorgeous shade of purple and orange and in the evening the sun sets and casts beautiful hues all over it. Each sunrise and sunset is different and all are breath taking. Now it is the first thing that I look for when I am on the plane heading into Washington. Each time I catch a glimse of it it brings me to tears because I realize I am almost home. Now this mountain represnts more than a mountain, it now represents home. Each time I leave Washington it is usually the last thing I see on the airplane and it always brings me to tears because I know that I am leaving and that always breaks my heart. I would have thought it would get easier to leave each time but it is getting harder and harder with each goodbye because that is where my heart wants to be.

I took these on the plane as I was heading back to TX.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Hair . . .

I chopped off my hair yesterday to a traditional bob. I needed a change and something new. Now I just need some bangs and I could be Katie Holmes! It is shorter than I have had it in years but it I really like it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bathing Beauty . . .

Phoebe is doing a lot better. Last Thursday I took her to the Children's Hospital to see if they could put her on some new medicine because she wasn't getting any better. I am so thankful that I trusted my instinct and took her in because she is on some new meds and is doing so much better. She is almost like a different baby because she is so much happier and it is so amazing to see her do so well. Here are a few pics of my adorable sweetie enjoying her bath. She loves bathtime so much and she will stay in there as long as I let her.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just two . . .

In case you needed a Phoebe and Dallas fix.

Family Time . . .

My brother and his family came to visit us last weekend. It was quite the house full. Between him and his 3 kids and my 2 we were really busting at the seams in my mom's house. It was great to see them. I hadn't seen them since last year when I was in WA. His kids had grown so much and they were able to meet Phoebe. Just like last year, my nephew Anthony played with Dallas all the time. He pushed him in the swing and would do silly things to get him to laugh. It was so sweet.
My brother Steve and me.Alyssa and PhoebeAnthony and DallasMy neice Alyssa (15), nephew Anthony (14), and nephew Aaron (8)My brother with his wife Sonja and his 3 kids Alyssa, Aaron and Anthony.

Monday, June 2, 2008

We are in WA . . .

YIPEE!!! We had one horrible day of travel but it is so worth it. We left our house in TX at 12:00Pm on Thursday and we didn't get to my mom's house until nine hours later. Big D came to the airport with us and was able to get a security pass and get us to the gate. They even let him carry Dallas' carseat onto the plane. Dallas was excited to be on the plane. He was sitting by the window and could see all the other airplanes around us. He was so happy and when we took off he knew we were going up into the clouds. After a bit he fell asleep. It was almost 3 hours past his naptime and he needed sleep really bad. I nursed Phoebe and she went to sleep to. So for about 30 minutes I had some peace. I got out my iPod and jammed to some tunes. Of course my peace was short lived. Dallas woke up and I got his DVD going. Phoebe woke up throughout the flight and screamed. I think the people around us were hating us. Dallas was kicking the seat in front of us and crying when I told him to stop. About half way through the flight he told me that he was all done with the airplane. As we flew into WA I got to see my mountain and as always it brought me to tears. It is amazing how such a beautiful sight can move me so much. When we landed he didn't understand why we couldn't get off right away. We were at the very back of the plane and were the last ones off because I had to juggle the 2 kids and all of our stuff plus Dallas' carseat. When we got off the plane our stroller was waiting for us and I wanted to put D in it but he wanted walk. I tried to balance my huge bag on the stroller and put his carseat in the seat. He started crying because he wanted me to carry him but I couldn't because I had Phoebe in the sling. So there I was holding his hand, carrying Phoebe and pushing this huge monstrosity of a stoller with Dallas screaming. It was a sight to see. Of course we landed at the satelite terminal and had to ride the tram to the main terminal. I get to the tram and the doors open. I am trying to pull the still screaming Dallas into the tram and push my stroller also. Right about this time Phoebe starts screaming and Dallas doesn't want to get on . I am on and a kind stranger picked Dallas up and put him on the tram. This was enough to get him really screaming because he hates strangers. So needless to say I was miserable. So I am riding the tram trying to calm both kids down and the carseat falls off the stroller and then the stroller falls over the other way because of the weight of my bag. At this point a kind flight attendant saw I needed some help and she offered to push my stuff to baggage claim. Thankfully my mom and dad were waiting for us. All of our bags arrived and we were safe. The traffic on the way home was just the icing on the cake. But we are here and that is all that matters.

Phoebe Update . . .

I think we finally figured out what is wrong with Phoebe. She has always been a fussy baby and I thought it was just part of who she was. But things started to get worse and worse and I took her to the doctor last Tuesday after she had screamed and screamed the night before. I didn't know what was wrong but I knew that something wasn't right. The doctor ruled out quite a few things and he suspected that she might have silent reflux. He always sends his patients to the Children's Hospital to have it confirmed. Thankfully, we were able to get an appt the very next day because I was heading to WA. Phoebe had to have a sonogram done after she had eaten and they watched the food she just ate reflux up into her throat. In ten minutes she had 9 major refluxes. She is on a prescription now and I am hoping it will ease her pain. It hasn't taken it's full effect yet and I am thinking I might have to call the doctor to up her dose or try a stronger medicine. She is still in a lot of pain and still screams alot and isn't sleeping well. Thankfully I am at my mom's and she is able to help me get through this trying time. Please keep my sweet girl in your prayers because she is suffering. I pray that she is well soon because it is horrible to see her in so much pain.