Friday, July 25, 2008

Just a reminder . . .

I have found that I have been having a hard time with all of this kid stuff lately. I don't know if it is because I am steal dealing with some post partum emotions or if this is just life with 2 kids. I feel like I am losing my mind most days and this crazy stuff has been starting to get to me. So me being the dork that I am, typed out the lyrics to a song that kind of puts me back in the frame of mind that I need to be. I then taped them in strategic spots in my house so when I want to throw Phoebe, Dallas or myself off the roof I can read them and gain some sense of togetherness again. Here they are, thanks to Trace Adkins.

"You’re gonna miss this
You’re gonna want this back
You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you’re gonna miss this"
So now, when Dallas is throwing a tantrum or Phoebe is screaming her head off I remind myself that in the months and years to come I am going to miss when my kids were little and I need to enjoy these moments, even the bad ones.

I missed it . . .

Dallas was running around the house naked after his bath the other night. I was on my way down the hall to corral him into getting into his PJ's when I heard him say, "OH NO! I Pee Pee" I go into his room and sure enough he had peed on the floor. I told him that we have to go pee pee on the potty and then he said, "I missed it" It cracked me up because he sure did miss it, he was just about 3 rooms away from the potty. So close, yet so far away!

A few new pics . . .

To satisfy your cravings I am sure! These are mostly Phoebe because everytime I get the camera out to take a picture of Dallas he starts running around like a mad man or he wants to see what is in the view finder which then takes him out of the picture. I can vouch that he is still as cute as ever!

Babywearing at it's best!

Monday, July 21, 2008

M and A . . .

Dallas knows these two letters!! Much to my surprise I might add. For Christmas I got him this letter thing with a bunch of magnets and you put the letters in the thing and it says what the letter is and what sound it makes. Well it has since sat in his desk and was never played with. Last week I decided to take it out and put the magnets on our front door and he has played with it almost everyday. So yesterday he asked Daddy where the M was and then he said, "It's right here" and pointed to the M. I was shocked and started to play with it with him and then later that night we were looking at a book and I pointed to the letter A and asked what it was and he said A and then I pointed to an M and asked and he said M too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am officially a soccer mom . . .

Yup, you can add my name to the list of cool moms with a mini van. I was very reluctant to get one and swore I would never, ever drive one. Then I said I would never drive one before I was 30. Well, never say never because what you thought you might never do might seem like a great idea after you have a few kids. We waited a long time to do this and saved our butts off but I am proud to say we are now the owners of a 2006 Honda Odyssey Touring. It is silver but it looks more gray in the pics. It only has 14,000 miles and is in super condition! So I am rocking the mini van with style!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Phoebe & Brinkley . . .

I think that Phoebe loves Brinkley, or maybe she just loves to try and eat him.

New Couches . . .

We ordered new couches two weeks ago and they were delivered yesterday. I am not sure we like them yet. Daddy said they aren't as comfortable as he remembered and I am not sure they are country enough for me. I LOVED my old couches so much but they had seen better days. I am acutally going to cry when I get rid of them. It just doesn't seem like my house anymore. Although, Dallas said this morning, "New couches, I like it" so I guess that is something. I looked for some cool pillows today but I couldn't find any I like, but I think that will help.

Hmmm . . .

Dallas told me this morning and I quote "Mommy, get in your time out spot RIGHT NOW!" He was upset that I made him come inside. What are you supposed to do with that? I had a hard time not laughing because I just think it is hilarious!