Saturday, February 21, 2009

Phoebe's First Birthday Party . . .

Today was the big party day. It is amazing to me how fast these days come and then they seem to go just as fast. I can't believe my sweet girl is one. We had a great party with just a few friends over. Phoebe wowed everyone with her amazing cuteness and her adorable walking. She is now walking 100% of the time and we have decided that she looks like a little person and not a baby at all. She is so tiny and small that she really looks like a small doll.

On a side note we had her check up yesterday and she is healthy as can be. Still very small at 16lbs 5 ozs and 29.5 inches. She is not on the growth chart at all but the doctor isn't concerened.

She has a big scrape on her nose because Dallas was helping her down the slide in our backyard and with all his 3 year old excitment he pushed her a bit hard and she did a faceplant into the concrete.

I made one of these picture collages for Dallas and now Phoebe. There is a pic for each month of her first year and then the middle pic is the most current. It is super cute. So the top left pic is last February and goes all the way to January of this year on the bottom right. Daddy and his princess

Me and my girl

I am going to try and get a picture each year of mommy, daddy and the birthday girl
Sitting in Olivia's bumbo for fun!

Cake coma?!?

Who is this . . .

Big, big boy???

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Phoebe Joy . . .

My dear sweet Phoebe Joy,

It is so hard for me to imagine my life without you. Even though you have only been with me for one year it seems like you have been in my heart forever. You have grown and changed so much in the last year. It is hard to imagine that you were once just a tiny little newborn and now you are a little girl with a personality and spirit unlike anyone I have ever met.

I always dreamed of having a sweet baby girl and I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with you. I am so proud to be your Mommy. You have exceeded my dreams far more than I can even describe. When I see you smile or hear you laugh I just melt. When I watch you master a new skill it makes my heart swell with pride. You are walking now and I still can’t believe my eyes when I see you do it. You are so tiny and small yet you are determined to do everything that you see your brother do and more. You are my monkey that climbs everything in sight and I swear you will give me more gray hairs then a Mommy should have. The world needs to watch out because you have a fire in your eyes unlike anyone I know and you have the determination to do something amazing.

You have taught me many things about myself in the last year and have helped me to become a better Mommy. You challenge me in ways that help me grow and I’m still amazed at the lessons I am learning from such a small girl. I promise to do all that I can to love you and provide for you. I will always be your safe place to fall. I look forward to all the memories we have yet to create. I can’t wait to see the girl you are going to become.

You are forever my girl, my sweet Angel Joy.

I love you,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A year of Phoebe Joy . . .

Freshly Baked, 2/20/08 @ 2:04 PM


MayJune July

August September


November December



Things I never want to forget . . .

Things I never want to forget . . .

The sound of my grandpa's laughter. I think he has the best laugh ever!

The way it feels to nurse a baby. It feels me up with such joy and happiness. I am so proud to have nursed both of my children for so long. It is a gift that I will always treasure. Even though they might not remember it as they grow it has forever been etched into my heart.

The way that Dallas used to say "a-wish-ish" for the word delicious, it was the cutest thing.

Dallas' sweet nature and caring spirit. He has an innocence about him that I hope he never loses but I am sure he will as he grows.

When I see Dallas being sweet to Phoebe when he thinks I am not paying attention. He is such a caring boy to her most of the time and it melts my heart and it is so sweet to see how much Dallas means to Phoebe. I can see it in her eyes that he means the world to her.

Tucking Dallas in for the last time each night. I love to whisper in his ear how much he means to me and sometimes he opens his eyes for a second and I know he hears what I am saying to him.

How my dad always gets chocked up over so many things. It melts my heart because he is the most caring dad a girl could ever have.

Friday, February 6, 2009

First Piggies . . .