Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some Firsts . . .

Much to my surprise, Phoebe learned how to pull herself up yesterday. This girl just never stops amazing me. I don't think Dallas did that until he was almost 9 months old and she is just barely 7. She is so determined to get moving it isn't even funny. I am really worried because she does it and then she isn't very steady yet and has already taken a big fall onto our hard floors. I wish she would just slow down a bit. I also put her hair in a pony tail for the first time. It is a tad premature but I couldn't resist.

A Phoebe Video

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Painting . . .

I am trying really hard to be a "fun" mom. I feel like we got stuck doing the same things all the time and I get bored so I am sure the kids do too. I decided that yesterday was a good day to paint. I know that doesn't sound super fun or creative but it had been forever since we had done it so it was really fun for Dallas. I think we were outside doing it for almost an hour. The wind kept blowing the paper away and that made him mad but other than that he had a blast! Phoebe just sat in her exersaucer for a bit and then I held her some. It was fun!

Update of sorts . . .

Dallas is doing AWESOME with his potty training. He is doing great at home during the day and I have even ventured out of the house with him wearing big boy underwears and he has done great! We are still working on the #2 business but I think it is safe to say he is pretty potty trained on the #1. I can't even believe it and I am sooooo proud of him! He got a bug bit on his leg and I had to take him into the doctor because it got really swollen. He got some meds and it seems to be doing better now. He is talking and talking all day long and I have even started to long for the days when things were quiet.

Phoebe is doing awesome too. She is 7 months old now and that just boggles my mind. She has started eating solids better so I am relieved. I had her weighed when I took D to the doctor and she still is only 13lbs 10oz. Still a tiny peanut. Dallas weighed more than that at 4 months. I think she is teething because she is a bit fussy at times. Her sleep is still horrible but I just pray it gets better with time. I told my mom yesterday that when she is a teenager I am going to set my alarm and wake her up every hour on the hour for two weeks straight and see how she likes it. The other morning I woke up and I was so happy because she had only woke up four times. Isn't that crazy? I thought that was a great night of sleep. I am envious of all those that have babies that sleep longer than 2 hours. What I wouldn't give for 3 hours of straight sleep. . .

I am doing pretty good too. I just sold a bunch of the kids old things at a consignment sale in my town and made $290. I was so happy because I put alot of effort into getting the clothes prepped, priced and tagged and it really paid off. I can't wait to get my check and get the kids a few more items for fall.

Daddy is doing good too. He is working alot but we are so thankful that he has a job that pays us well and keeps us in a good life style. He makes alot of sacrifices for us and I don't know what I would do without his love and support. He is so patient with me and the children and never brings his hard days home to us. We are both anxiously waiting to hear where our next assingment is going to be. We talk often and dream of our next little home and it is just killing us that we won't know until next year sometime. I think we both have it set in our minds that we are going to WA but the chances are pretty slim. I just know we will make our next place home, no matter where it is.

Sorry I have been slacking on the pics lately. I realized that I hadn't even taken pics in over a week so I snapped some in the past day or two so I could post some.
Could this boy be any sweeter?
This girl just cracks me up, she ooozes with her crazy personality.
I got Dallas this stick horse at the consignment sale and he named him Cactus, just like his friend Gracie's rocking horse. He really likes to ride him around and say HEEEE HAWWWW, instead of yeee haw!Phoebe is still crawling around on her tummy and Dallas likes to get next to her and crawl along with her. Sometimes he gets ahead of her and calls back to her, "Come on Beebers, lets go!" It is really sweet.A rare picture of the four of us. Bonus, Dallas is even smiling!Dallas got his hair cut this week. Daddy dared me to cut it really short but I couldn't do it. The stylist said that he has so many cowlicks that it has to be long or really, really short and I just couldn't do that.Playing together pretty good. I hope they both become good sharers.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Dallasisms . . .

Some things that Dallas has been saying lately . . .

"I can't reach the coconuts!" While trying to climb the light post outside our house, the kid has some imagination!

"No, I not!" He says this all day long and it is driving me crazy. "No, I not wear underwears" No, I not have candy" "No, I not play" and so on and so on.

"It's okay Beebers, we're almost there" To Phoebe as we were driving in the car. Beebers is actually supposed to be Feebers because that is what Daddy calls her but he can't say that.

He also knows that Grammy and Papa Dale live in Washington and that we live in Texas. It is really funny to hear him say both of those words.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Does Anybody Hear Her?

I posted this blog on my myspace page about 1.5 years ago but I wanted to repost it and add a bit more to it . . .

It is about my sister, here is a bit of back story. My sister has battled with drugs an alcohol for years. She has had 3 girls and has lost custody of two of them and sadly one of them passed away all because of her disease. She has struggled for years to clean herself up and then falls back into her old habits. I wish I knew if there was a way I could help her. But despite all of those things she is an amazing person. She is loving, giving, talented and funny. I just wish she saw what we saw when we look at her. I know that there is more to her than her drug problem but I just wish she knew there was too. Her sin is no worse than my sins. Her sins have caused more consequences to her life but in God's eyes it is all the same and can be forgiven just the same. I wish she could just forgive herself. I haven't seen Tina since May of 2003 and I fear that the next time I do she might be in a coffin.


I know that life has been so very hard for you. I think of you everytime I hear this song. I find it so hard to hold back my emotion each time I hear it. It is like it was written for you. I wish I knew what was deep in your heart that is causing you all of this pain and sorrow that causes you to turn to drugs. You have so much self hatred and I just wish you saw yourself like I see you. You are a child of God and you are worth so much to me. Just remember that you have so much life ahead of you. Don't let the past keep you from going forward with your life. The past does not define the person you are today or the person you can become tomorrow. Always remember that you are worth so very much and you deserve all the happiness that this world has to offer. Try to remember that the things people say and think about you are not your truths. God knows your heart as do I. Keep your chin up, sis. You are a survivor!! God has a special purpose for you and I pray that you will learn to believe it and turn your life around.

I love you with all my heart.

"Does Anybody Hear Her"
She is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
She is trying
But the canyon's ever widening
In the depths of her cold heart
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find
She's another two years older
And she's three more steps behind

Does anybody hear her?
Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even knows she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her?
Can anybody see?

She is yearning
For shelter and affection
That she never found at home
She is searching
For a hero to ride in
To ride in and save the day
And in walks her prince charming
And he knows just what to say
Momentary lapse of reason
And she gives herself away

If judgement looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we never even met her

He is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some new . . .

Here are a few new pics of our clan. . . Nothing too exciting going on here. The weather is still hot and I am ready for fall. Dallas is always jumping off the walls and Phoebe is just as busy as ever. I am thinking of sewing a mop head to her shirt so that when she pulls herself around she can clean the floor at the same time.

Such a good brother . . .

I have a monitor on in the kitchen and when Phoebe wakes up Dallas hears her and is always so excited to go and see her. He ususally runs to the back of the house and I open up the door and we go over to her bed and play peek a boo with her. He thinks it is so funny and she just loves it. I caught him doing it on his own the other day and I thought it was so sweet. Of course he says "geek a boo" but it is still funny! I don't know who had more fun, Dallas or Phoebe.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mama . . .

Dallas has been calling me mommy for some time. I didn't like it at first but grew used to it over time. He has now started calling me Mama again and it just melts my heart. He says it in the sweetest voice and it is so precious! I love that boy of mine!

Blessed . . .

Isn't it amazing how we forget our blessings so easily but hold on to our troubles with all our might? This has been me for awhile. I think I have been stuck in a rut or depression and I am trying to change it and come back to the old me. Of course, it isn't easy. I have been stuck in a pessimistic outlook for awhile and I am trying to train myself to be more thankful and less bitter and angry. I have been trying to turn my thoughts in the positive direction and not focus on how tough things can be. I am hoping that as I do this it will become easier and easier and things will feel better and better. For now, I have printed up the lyrics to a song and posted them where I can read them on a regular basis. I also try and listen to the song once a day and hold my children tightly next to me. I have many things to be thankful for and I need to remember that more often.

Blessed by Martina McBride
I have been blessed
And I feel like I’ve found my way
I thank God for all I’ve been given
At the end of everyday
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones that love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed