Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Truly Touched . . .

Do you ever have those moments where you see something and are completely changed?

I had one of those moments yesterday and it truly touched me, deep into my core. The kids and I were having a normal day at the park. They were enjoying themselves and I was snapping some pictures. It was a beautiful day out and things just seemed blissful.

After being there for a bit I noticed a mom that was walking to the park with a little girl in a tricycle that has a handle for the mom to push. I didn't think much about it, they looked like a normal mom and daughter from afar. Once she made it to the park she gently lifted her daughter from the tricycle and I noticed that her daughter had cerebal palsy or some other condition like it. She loving placed her daughter in the swings and started to push her.

At this point Phoebe noticed someone was swinging and wanted in on the action. I lifted her up in the swing and I was just drawn to the little girl sitting next to Phoebe. I started chatting with the mom about nothing in particular. Just the normal military mom stuff, how long have you been here, where are you from.... We were just two moms pusing our kids in the swings.

It wasn't long before the girl, Eloise, started to laugh. It was the most amazing laugh to listen to. It was infectious. The mom contiuned to push her and then carried her over to other parts of the park so that Eloise could experience it all. I got to thinking about the mom, she was young, and I couldn't help but think of myself in her shoes. Despite her challenges, were we really any different?

I have always felt that I was truly blessed to have two amazingly bright and healthy children. But you know what, I could tell this mom felt truly blessed to have her daughter just the way she was and that is what touched me the most. Even though she faces so many more challenges than I do we are still the same on so many levels. Love is the common bond we all share as moms.