Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November . . .

November was also another awesome month. We did so much and stayed so busy.

The kids were able to see the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile at the Rodeo on base. Phoebe stole the show on stage with the lady ropers. She didn't want to leave and I am afraid she is going to grow into a little diva. Wait, I think she already is, lol!

We went to the Phoenix Children's Museum for the very first time. It was so awesome we bought a membership. It has so many fun things to do for kids. There is a grocery store, a pizza parlor and place to ride bikes and other great stuff. The kids had a blast. It's a little hard for me to wrangle them both because they usually like to go in opposite directions but we make it work.

Next up we went on a train ride through the desert. It was a small train that a group of men run and they were having a military appreciation day and everything was free. The kids got train engineer hats and had so much fun.

Dallas had his first school performance on Veteran's Day. His school is so awesome and they organized a great show and had the kids sing songs about America. Dallas made me so proud.

I took the kids to the zoo again and bought a membership there as well. The Phoenix Zoo is one of the best zoos I have been to. The kids really enjoy seeing all the animals and walking around. Now that I can go all the time I usually don't rush them to see everything because we can come back and see the rest a different day.

Here are all our November pics. Once I get back to blogging I won't do it this way!