Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 - A look ahead . . .

I don't really like to make New Years Resolutions but I do have a few things I would like to work towards in the coming year.

1. Run hard for the Phoenix R&R Half Marathon on Jan 17th. After this race I am not sure where my training will take me but I am tossing around the idea of running in the Seattle R&R Marathon in June. I like to have a goal to keep my mind and body focused and I would love to be able to commit to this but I am not quite sure if I can find the time to do it. I am also nervous about training in the hot weather. The race is at the end of June and most of my training would be in April, May and June and it is super hot in AZ at that time.

2. I want to try to make joy and happiness the focus of my days. I find that I get too caught up in the crazy daily tasks of being a wife and mother and lose sight of the joy and happiness. I want to be in the moment more instead of worrying about the things I need to do. I want my children to see my joy and have it pour over into their lives and attitudes. I want to look at the positive's in all things, especially the trials that come along the way.

3. I want to focus more time and energy to my marriage. I think we have gotten stuck in the rolls of mom and dad and lost sight that we were a couple before these crazy kids came along. I think we need to have dates more often and not feel guilty leaving the kids for a few hours. The best gift I can give my children is a happy marriage.

4. I want to try and help and serve others more. I think I am guilty of getting caught up in my own life and forget I am so lucky to have so many blessings. I want to have a servants heart and show people Christ's love through my kindess and work. I want to get my kids used to doing things for others because we are so blessed and have more than we ever need.

5. I want to learn how to work my amazing new camera and capture so many new memories with it.

Most of all, I want to be happy and thankful for the life I have. I am so blessed to have a great home and a great family and I couldn't really ask for more.