Friday, June 20, 2008

Little Bit of Dallas . . .

This kid cracks me up every single day. Yesterday he was putting one of his cars in timeout and telling it to "Stay There" with great authority. His new favorite thing to eat is popsicles. It is amazing what I can get him to do so he can have a "copsickle" at the end of the day. Yesterday he couldn't have one if he didn't eat his dinner and help pick up all of his toys before bed. He was reluctant to eat at first but I kept saying that no popsicle if his food wasn't eaten. Today he told me that 11:50 that he wanted to go to bed for his nap and he went and gathered up all his toys so he could put them to sleep too. I always tell him to put his cars night night to get him to put them away. I was happy to see that he was doing it all by himself without me prompting him. He is also learning to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and it is hilarious!!


Anonymous said...

So cute! Miles will do anything for a popsicle too...silly kids!