Thursday, August 28, 2008

6 Month Pictures . . .

I had Phoebe's pictures taken today and they turned out okay. I don't know what it is but I don't have kids that like to have their pictures taken. It is like pulling teeth getting them to smile. I think that I have taken pictures and gotten better results but at least I can say I tried.

These are picures of pictures because it is easier this way.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Some Extra Company . . .

Dallas went to bed with a little extra company tonight. I heard him in his room playing around but I was tired and I figured he would go to sleep eventually so I let him be. The rule is no toys in bed and we usually go into his room if he is playing and put him back to bed. Well Daddy and I just pulled out 22 toys from his bed. Daddy was pulling the cars out from everywhere and I can't believe he had so many in there. I was counting as he handed them to me to put away and I asked him how many he counted and he said he lost count. I think it is so funny because he was acutally still holding onto one of his cars as he was sleeping. He wasn't phased at all by Daddy fussing around and tucking him back in. He is still sleeping soundly. What a cutie!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tubby Time . . .

A few cute pics of the kids in the tub together. I only bathe Phoebe every other day and when it isn't her day to bathe Dallas always wants her to get in the tub with him. He is such a sweet brother!

First Foods . . .

Phoebe got to taste her first real food today. She was super excited to try and grab the spoon, not so excited about the rice cereal. She didn't really eat much of the food but I am sure she will pick it up with time. I am going to attempt making her baby food just like I did for Dallas. I hope I can make time for it because I would feel kind of bad that I did it for him and not for her.

Her she is in all her cuteness. . .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6 Months of Phoebe . . .

Here is a look back at the past 6 months . . .

March April




Happy 6 Months Phoebe Joy . . .

Dear Phoebe Joy,

It is so hard for me to imagine my life without you. Even though you have only been with me for 6 months it seems like you have been in my heart forever. I always dreamed of having a sweet baby girl and boy did the Lord bless me with you. You challenge me everyday with your spunk and spirit. I can tell you have the determination to do something amazing. You have already done so many things for such a small girl. You amaze me everyday. The world needs to watch out because you have a fire in your eyes unlike any one I have ever met. I can't wait to see how you will grow and change in the months to come. Thank you for coming into my life and picking me as your Mommy. I know I am not always the best but I will do all I can to make sure you are loved and cared for. I will always be the person you can come to when the world has let you down. You are forever my girl, my sweet Angel Joy.

I love you,


The moment you and I met, my heart just melted all over again.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pee Pee on the Potty . . .

Dallas is doing so good going pee pee on the potty!! The look on his face when he is done is priceless. He is so proud of himself and it just makes my heart smile. I have been keeping him nakey and that seems to help keep him aware of when he needs to go. So far today he has gone 5 times on the potty and it is only 12:00PM. YIPEE!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

So sweet . . .

We have been slowly trying to wean Dallas off of his paci. We started to cut the tip of it off a little bit at a time. Now it is cut to the point where he can't put it in his mouth but he still wants to hold it in his hand when he goes to sleep. I think it is so sweet!

Watch this . . .

Look at her go!

It was taking too long to upload these so just click on the link to see the videos.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Update . . .

Well, Phoebe is officially sitting up on her own. She is amazing me with her skills!! She is so determined to be a big girl and it is all a little faster than I would like. She can get where she wants to go by rolling or an army crawl of sorts. I don't think it is long before she will figure out how to crawl. Thats when we are all in trouble, especially Dallas because she wants his toys!

Dallas went pee pee on the potty last night and then again tonight. We are so proud of him and he seems so pleased with himself. I am moving into this potty business with caution and totally following his lead. If it happens soon good, if not no biggie. I know he will get there before he goes to high school. He is talking more and more each day and the things he says are hilarious!! He has started to have conversations with Gracie when they play and that is so cute. He is now a person with thoughts and opinions, so fun!

Now to the best part, PICTURES!